Sunday, 13 November 2016

Opening Proposal

1: Summary
Starts with mum and daughter reading a book together at dining table, then the dad returns home from work, clearly angry. Daughter runs upstairs and hinds under duvet, close-up of her under duvet with shouting in the background then a loud smash of a cup or plate and the screen goes black. The mum goes into daughters room in the middle of the night and they leave in a hurry to the train station, lots of high-speed editing here. Dad notices and rushes after them but just misses the train. Scene ends with him calling someone on his phone telling the receiver to track the train. Ends with a close up of his face.

Genre - psychological/action thriller

2: Audience
Target audience - 16-25, mature theme not suitable for younger ages.
Certificate - 15 as it contains violence and possibly strong language.

3: Plot
Mum and daughter are on the run from abusive dad/husband, but he has a lot of power as he is has the technology to track them down.

4: Style and Tone:
- Keep audience on the edge of their seats.
- Full of suspense and tension.
- The start, when they are reading the book should have a slightly warmer feel, for example by using yellow/orange lighting. But once the action starts it should have a colder feeling, by using blue lighting. Similar to the colour change between the flashback and reality in the opening of Shutter island.

5: Characters, costumes and props
Woman - age 35-45, wearing jeans and a plain top, hair down (nothing fancy)
Daughter - age 5-8, wearing pyjamas
Man - age 35-45, wearing a suit with shirt half untucked and lose tie, scruffy hair, indicates that he's tired/doesn't care about appearance.
Props - children book, digital clock showing the middle of the night, rucksack that mum carries, phone that dad calls on, plate/cup to smash for sound effects.

6: Graphics
The title would likely occur when the screen suddenly goes black and could possibly fade in and out, joining the scenes together.

7: Sound
Diegetic - reading book, shouting, calling phone.
Non-diegetic - music or fast beat when they run to station.

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